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Ubisoft has barely sold any Ghost Recon ...

Ubisoft has barely sold any Ghost Recon NFTs

Ubisoft recently launched the NFT Quartz platform as a way to monetize game property, something that doesn’t really run well with customers or employees. Now, it seems that the effort is financial breasts so far, because the company is rumored to only sell 15 nfts from the leather Ghost Recon Recacpoint Gun yesterday, Eurogamer reported. […]

2021 was the year that streaming pushed ...

2021 was the year that streaming pushed our cultural buttons

Nothing surprisingly, 2020 is a year of bumper for streaming. With people who were trapped at home last year, the service saw millions of new customers – Netflix attracted 16 million customers in just three months, alone. The initial part of 2021 continued the trend, but as years walking was getting closer, it seemed that […]

First full asteroid return sample confir...

First full asteroid return sample confirms early Solar System origins

Scientists finally studied their first full sample back from asteroids in space, and they confirmed what you would expect – while giving some new insights. The Scientalert report the researchers have released two papers that revealed their first sample analysis from Ryugu, the Rock Space The Hayabusa2 probe visited in February 2019. The team knew […]

Arturia is giving away a free lo-fi tape...

Arturia is giving away a free lo-fi tape plug-in for the holidays

This becomes something from the tradition of holidays for Arturia to provide free plugins for vacation. Last year took recreation from the iconic choir from Juno-6 and turned it into a stand-alone effect. This year, it breaks the record of recording from the melloton emulation. The original mellotron is, of course, the iconic keyboard that […]