Jessica Rogan Net Worth 2022

Jessica has a successful career, which she built thanks to her talent. Jessica Rogan’s net wealth estimates in 2022 were $ 1 million. However, she also shared her husband’s net worth of $ 25 million.

Jessica and Joe enjoyed a luxurious life together. They live in a big house worth more than $ 2 million.

Early Life

Jessica Rogan was born as Jessica Schimmel on June 28, 1979, in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States. His father, Robert, was an actor and comedian, and his mother, Vicki, was a housewife. Unfortunately, they divorced when Jessica was 21 years old. Jessica’s father married her friend, and since then, he broke the friendship and made a distance from his father.

Rogan grew up with five siblings, four siblings, cranes, sam, max, and jacob. He also has a sister named Aaliyah.

Jessica finished Arizona University and won a degree in the field of psychology.

Professional Career

At the beginning of his career, Jessica worked as a cocktail servant and model. 2002 is very important for him, because he is part of the production of Simpsons. He got a job as an assistant, which is a significant achievement. At the same time, Rogan worked on the Hollywood and Divine documentary film: Beauty Secrets were revealed.

In 2010, Jessica worked for the Chinese model body for three months. After that, he joined the Korean model agency. Also, he works for Volvo Car Group and Volvo Motorsports.

However, Jessica realized that she did not want to be a model and pursued a TV producer’s career. In that career, he had a lot of success when he worked for comedy events and stand-up comedy. Also, she participated in her husband’s performance.

Personal Life

Jessica began a relationship in 2001, and in 2009 the couple was married. At present, the bird of love is in a happy and satisfying marriage. They also have two daughters.